On the 20th of January, an Johnston C.P school, our year six and year five girls played a game against Prendergast school. It was Johnston’s first netball game for several years.
Year 5 and 6 had been practicing for a few days before the game but we had a hard match because most of the children in Prendergast play for a netball team once a week. Some children in years 5 and 6 play for a netball team, so we did have some luck. We practiced at lunch time break and at PE.
These are the rules for playing netball:
. You can't move with the ball,
. No contact,
. Not going out of the pitch.
. No holding the ball for more than 3 seconds.
These are the places in the game and who were in these places:
Goal Keeps: Ffion Lawler/Harriet Yea/Phoebe Powel
Goal Defense: Ffion Lane/Ava Herbert
Goal Shoot: Bethany Ofosu-James/Maisie Gain fort
Goal Attack: Maisie Gain fort/Bethany Ofosu-James
Centre: Layla Chalmers/Cerys Lewis
Wing Attack: Grace Morgan-Jones/Jazmine Grota-Gurney
Wing Defense: Harriet Yea/Ffion Lawler/Eva Stavrinides
At 1:30pm the game started, everyone got in their places and then the captains did rock paper scissors to see who started with the ball. When the game started everyone charged the person in Centre so they could get the ball. We had a tough game against Prendergast, although we were able to score a total of 5 goals throughout the match. The final score was 25-5 to Prendergast. Although they were a better team, we were pleased with our efforts and everybody watching commented on our strong potential.
In conclusion, we tried our best to play with as much effort as we could. At the end we all had oranges, and everyone congratulated each other. We look forward to welcoming Cleddau Reach School in a few weeks. We hope we represented our school well! ~Ffion & Harriet~