Additional Learning Needs
If you have any concerns or queries about additional support for your child, please contact Mrs. Caroline Wood (ALNCO) for further information.
We take our responsibility seriously to ensure we provide for all pupils’ individual learning needs. Often this is an integral part of a teacher’s planning in ensuring the learning is relevant and pitched appropriately. Johnston is already implementing the new Welsh Government Code of Practice for ALN, and the emphasis of this is on person centred planning.
If the school feels that your child is having difficulty making expected progress with learning skills, communication skills, behaviour, emotional or social skills, sensory or physical skills, we will provide extra resources and/or time and/or specific differentiated work to aid your child’s progress. Your child is then said to be at the School Action Stage of the Special Needs Code of Practice. Your child may have additional programmes noted on his/her Individual Development Plan (IDP), which will be reviewed termly.
If your child require outside professional agency support or advice over a longer period of time in order to meet individual needs, then the school, together with other professionals and parents, will meet to look at long-term targets. Your child will then be said to be at the School Action Plus stage of the Code of Practice.
If children continue to have significant difficulties, we will look to the authority for advice which could require a formal assessment that may lead to a Statement of Educational Need. Pupils with a Statement have an annual review involving those professionals who have been involved with them along with parents and teachers. Parents will be consulted at all stages. All pupils are given an equal opportunity to access the curriculum and experience the range of opportunities on offer to them at the school.
If a pupil has specific additional learning needs, an IDP will be drawn up in collaboration with the child and their parent/carer to assist them in achieving their targets. These are reviewed termly. These targets are child-friendly and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-related).
Pupils with Disabilities
Every effort is made to enable all pupils to play a full and active part in their time at school. The school building has complete disabled access. Resources for special provision are reviewed regularly to maximise the inclusion of all children.
ALN Process/Statutory Reform
You may wish to access more information in regard to the ALN processes and
ALN Statutory Reform. Please see the links below:
Additional learning needs ALN transformation programme
ALN Frequently Asked Questions
ALN Factsheet: How will the Act affect children, young people and parent/carers
Autism Toolbox - A wealth of free resources to support autistic learners and their families.
Autistica - A free app to help children struggling with anxiety.
Social Skills and Emotional Wellbeing
Go BoardMaker - Printable activities for children.
Child Mind - A useful resource for children's mental health information.
Psych Central - phrases-to-calm-an-anxious-child.
Dyslexia Support from Pembrokeshire County Council
Chatter Pack - Free resources to support children with ADHD and Autism, which include workbooks about emotions and transition.
Speech and Language
Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit - A range of support, activities and printable resources to help children with their speech.
Resources- Free or small cost
FREE resources
Separation anxiety
My safe place
Pembrokeshire County Council - Useful Information