Health and Wellbeing
We are looking forward to developing the new Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience as part of the new curriculum for Wales.
This Area of Learning and Experience is about the physical, psychological, emotional and social aspects of our lives. It recognises good health and well-being as a key enabler of successful learning. The aim is to support learners to develop and maintain, not only their physical health and well-being, but also their mental health and emotional well-being, as well as developing positive relationships in a range of contexts.
To enable this, we will be building learners’ capacity to make informed decisions about their health and well-being and also to engage critically with a range of social influences which may impact on their values and behaviours.

To support pupils we use a range of different resources and materials. All classes use the Jigsaw scheme of work which involves a weekly circle time and discussions around different topics. The scheme is a mindful approach to PSHE which includes emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development.
We also have a number of staff trained in delivering ELSA sessions so that they are able to support pupils emotional development.
Physical Education is very important to us at Johnston and our P.E. specialist leads sessions and supports staff across the school. We believe in an inclusive approach to P.E. and we support pupils to get involved in different sports and find things that they enjoy. We endeavour to attend all extra-curricular competitions and we hold a number of events throughout the year to encourage participation in physical activity. For example, during the summer term we held a 'fun run' on our school field.

We also use Yoga for children, enabling the children to have a 5-10 minute session of calm and re-focusing at certain points of the day. We enjoyed a whole school yoga day in the summer term where we focused on exercise and breathing techniques.
Our work on the Rights of the Child links closely with all of our health and wellbeing work.
Article 29 - You have the right to be the best you can be. Education must help you develop your skills and talents to the full.

Special Visitor Program
A tremendously popular part of our curriculum is our Special Visitor Program. Every few weeks we welcome a visitor to school who might be linked to a sport, charity or interesting endeavour. Pupils love the opportunity to learn about something new and ask questions to the visitor.
Sport Pembrokeshire School of the Year 2022