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Mental and Emotional Health and Wellbeing / Iechyd a Lles Meddyliol ac Emosiynol

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Johnston Community Primary School 


We have many different pupil voice committees, which enables us to share our ideas and our voice is heard.


We celebrate Empathy Day and learn all about how we can understand another person and feel their emotions.


We enjoy taking part a number of fun and exciting activities during Wellbeing Week to enrich and increase our general fitness and wellbeing.







Useful websites: 


ChildLine -




Samaritans -


Anti Bullying Websites:-


https://BulliesOut - Anti-Bullying Training, Awareness and Support

https://SchoolBeat: Bullying

https://Bullying and cyberbullying | Childline

https://Help With Bullying (

https://Home | Parent Zone Bullying advice | Bullying UK 

https://OCALI | Bullying and Individuals with Special Needs | Anti-Bullying Websites and Apps 

https://Information and advice about all forms of bullying (

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